More Knowledge


This term is really fun. I learn about Photography. We learn how to take picture and make the picture look good when we take. ISO Aperture , Exposure, Shutter speed, it really fun because I like taking photo by myself so when I learn this lesson I can take a better photo. But struggle I still face it is don’t understand. Teacher also give me some activity to do in class they are take some picture with some lesson that teacher have teach like Leading line, frame, depth symmetry,  lead room/headroom, and more. Sometime I want to practice taking the picture with the skill, but no time.

Some picture that I have take

Leading Line
Rule of third



Indigenous Community

In this Exploration is talking about the indigenous people  in Cambodia and we are going

to create a book about them. I have been to two different provine to get the information in the book they are Kampong speu and ratanakiri, and in the book we include five different group they are Jarai, Kachok, Kreung, Souy, and Tumpong.We go to Kampong Speu for one day to get information for Souy and ratanak kiri we go there for four day to interview Jarai Kachok, Tumpong and Kreung.For the first day kampong Speu is fun because we meet people we don’t know and I feel that I’m not in the other world because I never meet them before. When we interview everyone have different topic for me my topic is about art, I and my other member we dived into the sub topic like Instrument, Dance, song , Clothes, and more. When interview I do it alone for some people because I partner he has to document the trip so he not with me every much so I have to do alone for sometime. People there are kind of shy to us because they don’t me and my friends. After we interview we take a picture with them. Then we plan to go back to school, but still have time so we decide to go to hot spring. After that we came back to school.

On the way we don’t speak much everyone is so tried so they fall a sleep, But when teacher get out of the car to go to his house everyone don’t sleep any more, we play lot and speak every much and also loud. When we arrive school we go to our own house. And about a week later we went to Ratanak Kiri. We spent the whole day on the bus.We arrive guest house about 9 PM. On the 2 scene day we go to Kachok in interview people there people there are so friendly to us.After we interview Kachok we go to tumpoung to interview some people there. In the afternoon we go to Yeak Laom Lake. And the third day we go to to Jarai and Kreung. The the fourth day become back to school. On the trip we do many thing and it so fun.After we gone to trip we start working on the book after that we have sharation. Unfortunately we can’t finish the book but we  finish only souy book.

Men Poung ” Pants “



A hard lesson

In stem I learn about Bonding. Teacher teach me that there are three type of bonding, Ionic, Covalent and Metallic. This time bonding is one of my hardest lesson in STEM. When I start learn about it I feel so street I alway said “ Why do I have to learn this ”. My classmate is really good at it I try to ask them everyday when I go into class. No matter how hard I try to ask people learn it myself I still don’t understand. You why because I don’t ask my teacher until one day I feel I really want to ask question to teacher “ Teacher I don’t understand about this article”

Teacher explain me again then I start to know a little bit then when i go home i ask my friend. After that every night I try to remember what my teacher have teach me today. So now this lesson I think it really hard for me to learn at all.


The STEM is one of my favorite class. I learn this class about 4 hours a week, it starts from 11:10 Am to 12:05 Pm until lunch. In this class, I do such as many things. I have learned so many things from this class. For this round in this class, I learn about matter, atom, Proton, Electron, Neutron, Isotope and more. We also have a chance to teach other students about the thing that I have to tell and I and my team have taught other students about Isotope. Before in this class I little bit sleepy, but now I feel happy with this class. In this class, I wonder things a lot. I have Wondered what is the smallest thing in the world and when I learn in this class my teacher told me that atom is the smallest thing and he also said there is a smaller thing that atom but scientist didn’t discover yet. In an atom, there is Proton, Neutron, and electron. Science always makes we wonder but now I have no wonder because my teacher will teach me about science 




Set Design for Community Theater

Name of the Theater :

Tos Merl Liger Travelling community theater

Tos Merl Mean Let’s watch 

In the exploration, we have a plan to create a moving mobile theater for the Cambodian community. I am happy to be a part of this exploration cause I can help people who are not able to watch TV cause after we create this moving mobile theater we will go and have a play for people who live there that don’t have TV access. I happy to see people in the rural area happy and smile. For the first few weeks, we were planning about how would our theater look like after that we would like to know how our theater doing to design like what are the things that we need in our theater where should we put the current and stuff like that. After we planning we have some group to design a prototype for our theater. Then we have 3 people who go and find some of the truck ideas for us to make the moving theater. When we finish the prototype and the price of the truck and we know that the price is really expensive so we decided to make a video for our crowdfunding to let people donate use money for us to buy the truck. the exploration, we also go to someplace to interview people in the rural area how did they feel about our moving mobile theater for our crowdfunding video. Also, we have made and plays and we perform there to let people live there to see and make them happy. So the place where we go is Tboung Khum and Kampong Cham.


For the first day, I go to Tboung Khum after I interview people my team finding the place in that village to perform a play so we have found it but after we finish setup there is a big rain and we take everything and put it under the house. 10 minute later the rain has stopped and the land is so wet and we think we can’t perform but we don’t give up we still want to perform and we come up with an idea, we will perform the plays inside the house. So then actor go to makeup and the rest are going set up the place to perform. I am an actor so I don’t see what have they done to set up the place to perform. When we perform we are so happy to see people and children smile, happy and laughing all together.

Before we plan to perform be think that there are not many people who will come to watch our plays, but then it more than what we think they’re so many children and old people who are come. The next day we go to Kampong Cham We try really hard to find the place to do the performance While we find the place to perform we also take some people from our team to do the interview about their feeling. We have faced lots of problems when we doing that. In the afternoon we still could not find the place to perform. After that, we come up with an idea that we will perform at Engtieng house after that we go and set up then some people go to invite people to come and watch our play. There are so many people who come then we are really to see people come. Then Friday we come back to our school. ( Detonation will make you success )

Computer Science/Multimedia

This class is rotated by week with STEM class. In this class, we learn a different subject by week some time we learn about research some time we learn about other things that relate to Computer science or Multimedia. In this round, I learn this class for 3 weeks already. For the first week I learned about research After my teacher teaches about it then we gonna find a topic and write some question. The second week my teacher teach me how to use photoshop InDesign and Lightroom. After that, my teacher told me to create a poster in Indesign about the topic that I have chosen in the first week

And this what I have made in my class :

English Literacy

English literacy is also my important class. I learn this class after lunch at 1:00 PM and end at 2:00 PM. In this class, I little sleepy because after lunch people in Cambodia always take a little break to sleep so that why I feel little sleepy. Also this class my teacher put a homework for a week like homework packet. Also for this round, I  have learned a lot of new words and the root word of it. We do a lot of activity in this class and also reading. We mostly read the article on Newsela. In this class, my teacher has put me in a partner and make a video about a famous person that you should put them in them Mausam and explain why we should pick him/her.

Khmer Literacy

Khmer Literacy

         Khmer class is my really important class I am Cambodian so I should learn this class to know about my country. I learn only 4 hours a week and I start at 3:00 PM and I end at 4:00 PM. In this class for this round, my teacher told everyone in the class that they will choose a type of poem and they will make the poem and when we finish the poem we make a poem book. I finish 2  Poems.I’m really happy with it and I hope I will have more time to learn Khmer.

Also, this is the poem that I wrote it in Khmer.


ទឹកចិត្តអ្នកម្ដាយថ្លៃ​ ដោយ ស្រីរត្ន័



ប្រាំបួនខែដប់ថ្ងៃ          ក្នុងផ្ទៃម្ដាយម្ដាយទ្រាំឈឺ

មិនត្អូញឲ្យកូនឮ         ម្ដាយទ្រាំឈឺឡើងរីងរី។

ពេលកូនឃើញពន្លឺ         ម្ដាយពិតឈឺណាពិសី

ពេលកូនធំដឹងក្ដី         ម្ដាយស៊ូក្ស័យព្រោះតែកូន។

យកប្រាក់ឲ្យកូនរៀន         ទុកធ្វើស្ពានឬជាក្បូន

រកប្រាក់ទាល់តែសូន         ព្រោះតែកូនអ្វីក៏ហ៊ាន។

កូនខ្លះមិនទៅរៀន         ព្រោះមិនហ៊ានឬយ៉ាងណា

កូនខ្លះពិតឧស្សាហ៍         ខំសិក្សារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ។

កូនខ្លះថាទៅរៀន         បែជាញៀនគ្រឿងអប្រិយ

មិនចេះស្ដាប់សម្ដី         ដែលប្រពៃអ្នកម្ដាយណា។

ឲ្យកូនមាសម្ដាយអើយ         ម្ដេចប្រងើយការសិក្សា

ម្ដាយខំប្រីងចងកា         យកប្រាក់កាឲ្យទៅរៀន។

ខ្លះលួចមានស្នេហា         ធ្វើឲ្យផ្សាចិត្តអ្នកម្ដាយ

ហេតុអ្វីរូបឆោមឆាយ           មិនចេះស្ដាយអ្នកម្ដាយថ្លៃ។

ដល់ពេលដែលអ្នកម្ដាយ          គាត់ទៅឆ្ងាយទើបនឺកដឹង

មិនដែលគិតបែបនិង         ហើយទើបដឹងប្រឹងបង្វែរ។

ដូច្នេះទាន់មានពេល          កុំរីងរេសងគុណម៉ែ

ធ្វើបុណ្យទាន់ដល់ខែ          ត្រូវចេះថែរក្សាគាត់។



        In math class, we have done many things and I start this class from 2:00 to 3:00 PM after English Literacy. I have learned about Fraction, Prime number and more. On Friday sometime we spend half tome of the class doing work and another half we played some game about math and if we still have time we can play other game or work on the homework. From Monday to Thursday some time we do some work on khan academy. We also work in a group, sometimes we do on textbook and sometimes we do on the workbook. In this class, I think I speak a lot and Don’t know why also in this class I never get boring. My teacher always help me when I have a question about the work. For her I never afraid to ask. My teacher always has the extra work for me to do when finishing my work early.

This is some of the pictures that we have done in class:





Wow!! It was surprised for me to know that people think that women or girl and men or boy are not equal, they think women always weak not like a man or boy they are strong. What do you think women and men are equal or not? If you think not that ok, cause people always have different opinions. So now  I just want to explain to people about this you know what people said women are not strong, Fast to cry, girl should not go to school. When I hear this thing I almost cry but I’m not going to cry cause I want to show people that women or girl are strong. I don’t want people to say women or girl are weak again. If you think that women are not equal please I suggest you change your opinion. There is one of Khmer story called “Phnom Bros Phnom Srey”. This story talks about women who are smart and can build a bigger mountain than the men. If it only a prediction story it also shows that women are strong and smarter and men. And you know what? A lot of boys are not going to school they just go to the club or doing something bad that other people don’t like with their friends. In my school, we have many things that relate to Gender such as an exploration called Gender Equity, MUN (Model United Nations), Debate.

Two of those things I have join there are MUN and Debate. All of those I am doing it in Khmer. During Debate we try to talk something that Women and men are equal. MUN is talking about a solution that can help women to get an equality Gender. Also, I have learned about women who fight for education for the girl, Which is Malala, For me, Malala is really good for me cause she has lots of determination.